NHC - 3 April 2024
Why You Should Consult a Dietician
Do you have any questions about nutrition? Are you wanting personalised nutritional advice based on your specific health needs? If so, you should consult a dietician for a nutritional assessment. D...

NHC - 3 April 2024
Self-Assessment: Social Anxiety Disorder
If you suspect that you might suffer from social anxiety disorder, answer the questions below. If you answer Yes to most of these questions, you might consider consulting a health care professional...

NHC - 3 April 2024
Live Well, Stay Well, Be Great! info@dieticiansatwork.co.za If you are a Dietician or training to be one, we offer training in a variety of areas to support you and combine our skills to off...

NHC - 3 April 2024
Self-Assessment: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
If you suspect that you might suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, also known as GAD, answer the questions below, and consider consulting with a health care professional for a more in-depth as...

NHC - 3 April 2024
Self-Assessment: Anxiety Disorder in Adults
If you think you (or a family member) may be suffering from an anxiety disorder, answer the questions below. If most of the answers are Yes, consider consulting with a health care professional for ...

NHC - 3 April 2024
Self-Assessment: Anxiety Disorder in Children
If you think your child may have an anxiety disorder, please answer the questions below. If you answer Yes to the majority of questions, then you might consider consulting a health care professiona...

NHC - 3 April 2024
10 Ways to Spot a Good Therapist
Despite their differences, all good therapies share certain qualities Many approaches to therapy have been developed in the decades since Freud first began his experimentation with the ‘talking cur...