Douglas & Hardy Optometrists is staffed by dedicated optometrists and passionate assistants who continuously enhance their skills and expand their expertise, to stay at the forefront of optometric eye care and visual aid innovation.
Here are 5 reasons why you should visit your optometrist at Douglas & Hardy Optometrists:
‘Difficult’ to see.
During a routine eye test, your optometrist does not just examine the quality and quantity (referred to as a patient’s visual acuity) of your vision and whether you need visual aids or glasses. Your eye test at D & H Optometrists will include an overall eye-health consultation for any injury and or early detection of most visual impairing eye conditions – eg: corneal affected disorder, cataracts, glaucoma and retinal conditions. In cases where our patients need specialist surgical care, we will work closely as a team of eye care professionals with you as to restore your vision to your personal and optimal best. Optometrists are often the first to detect chronic conditions like high blood pressure and or diabetes just by looking into your eyes.
‘Our Children’ learning to see.
Eye examinations are just as important for our kids as an eye exam is for you as an adult. Research has shown that vision is closely linked to the learning process at school and in general, kids with undetected vision problems will struggle at school. Because your child doesn’t know what ‘normal’ vision is, they may not complain about vision problems. We at Douglas & Hardy Optometrists can assist by early detection of vision problems in kids and with minimal intervention in most cases assist your child to develop optimally.
‘Low Vision’ Young and Old.
This condition is not age specific or gender specific, we at Douglas & Hardy Optometrists have a team that is passionate to assist you, our patient with professional advice, care and to equip you with not only identifying low vision but also with techniques and visual aids that will assist you with your day to day tasks
‘Do we have a known’ eyesight impairing condition.
We at Douglas & Hardy Optometrists hope you all know that we all should visit an optometrist every two years, however, you need to go more often when you’re over 40, have diabetes, or there’s a family history of glaucoma or a noticeable drop in your vision.
‘Your lifestyle’
Working in front of a computer screen for too long can cause eye-strain, blurry vision, dry eyes, and headaches. Ask your optometrist at Douglas & Hardy Optometrists if you need a prescription lens that helps with contrast or glare or if you work outdoors and or is a professional sport athlete, a pair of prescription sunglasses are also a good idea to give you optimal protection against the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Operating Hours:
Mon to Friday: 09h00 – 17h00
Saturday: 08h00 – 12h00
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
Whatsapp: 066 048 4696 (Chat only)
Tel: 011 214 9040
Operating Hours:
Mon to Friday: 08h00 – 17h00
Saturday: 08h00 – 12h00
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
Whatsapp: 076 115 6140 (Chat only)
Tel: 011 801 5630
Operating Hours:
Mon to Friday: 09h00 – 17h00
Saturday: 08h00 – 12h00
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
Whatsapp: 063 662 7123 (Chat only)
Tel: 012 762 6301
Operating Hours:
Mon to Friday: 09h00 – 17h00
Saturday: 09h00 – 13h00
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
Whatsapp: 067 319 2346 (Chat only)
Tel: 011 700 6615
Operating Hours:
Mon to Friday: 08h00 – 17h00
Saturday: 08h00 – 13h00
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed
Whatsapp: 074 584 2900 (Chat only)
Tel: 015 007 9260